

Hello, and welcome to the official documentation website for Erebus! Erebus is a Discord API wrapper, use it to build your own Discord bot and bring it to the next level!


Before installing the library, you may have done the following:

  • Installed Node.JSopen in new window, with a version of at least v16.0.0 (Use the node -v command to check the version you have installed on your device)


We currently do not support installation of our library, so you may install by creating a fork of our GitHub repositoryopen in new window and clone it on your local project through the git clone command.

Get Started

const erebus = require("erebus");
const client = new erebus.Client({
  intents: 0,
  token: "YourTokenHere",

client.on("ready", () => {

Last Updated:
Contributors: NotReallyEight